Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th . . . and other stuff

Happy 4th of July y'all! Hope everyone gets plenty of bar-b-que, watermelon, fireworks, and family time. Tomorrow is also my honey's turns 37, so we will be adding cake to our list of fun!

Well it has been a busy week here in Frisco. Between cooking up a storm with my girlfriends, playdates with M's "boyfriend" (yes, I know she is only 9, but she has a crush on this very cute, smart, sweet boy Jake who is also a good friend - keep up the good taste in boys Meg!), my sister coming into town - thus cleaning like a mad woman as this is the same sister with the really clean, organized house, swimming, working (I don't know if I've mentioned that I still work part time at James Avery?), and catching up on an entire season of a tv show I am ashamed to admit I have started watching. No, I am not fessing up as to which show right now either! To top off a busy week we are going to the FC Dallas (pro-soccer) game and Frisco Freedom Fest tonight with my sister and her crew, work tomorrow morning, birthday celebration with the in-laws tomorrow night, and the Grand Finale: breakfast with mommajen Sunday morning!!!! I can't wait to see you Jennie! I know there are people who live for their old high school or college days, but I am not one of those people. I just have a couple of special friends whom I miss dearly and thanks to the computer have found again.

So, with all this crazy going on I'll probably only have time to check my computer 2 or 3 times a day instead of my usual 4 or 5! lol! I am addicted, it is an illness for which there is no cure - except logging off and that just ain't gonna happen! :o)

Oh, by the way, Jake's mom is my friend with the craft business, two girls who make crosses - just incase you didn't see it on my myspace page, she has some really cute tee's. It's a shameless promotion, I know! Nothing like free advertising.


circus of love said...

Happy 4th! Have fun with Jennie. I am jealous. It should be great fun!

MommaJen said...

I had a great time - it was so good to see you!

circus of love said...

I remember those James Avery dangle rings....awww!